Thursday, April 30, 2009

Istanbul, Constantinople

Today, I woke to the sounds of the call to prayer coming from the Blue Mosque, a short walk frommy hostel. I'm looking out over the Mediterranian from a rooftop cafe, having tea. Istanbul has always been a place I've dreamed of seeing, but only in a distant, vague way. I thought it was too foreign, too far to simply board a plane and embark. But here I am, living out a dream I didn't really suspect I would fulfill, at least this soon.
I'm on midterm break from studying in London. Elizabeth and I decided to meet up in Barcelona before heading out to Istanbul.

Yesterday, I walked through the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque. Kay and I have been treated like celebrities- red hair is not very common in Turkey. Brandon has been getting all the attention from little kids on school tours, who flock to him.
I'm glad I did this, something I didn't really suspect I could do.

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