Saturday, March 14, 2009

Life goals

College is where, supposedly, everything that has happened to you up until that point will coalesce, gel, into something meaningful. A worldview, a calling, some sort of message you can carry for the rest of your life.
Today, I planned the rest of my life. Over Facebook.

I already knew I wanted to go into the Peace Corps, teach English in a foreign country for a few years, possibly pursue a Ph.D. afterward. With these plans, I can indefinitely put off making any actual life decisions, hopefully at least until I hit 30, if I time it right.
But now, I know.
After discussing a planned visit with Jeremy Bentham's body while on my trip to London with Natalie, she mentioned Lenin was enturred on display in Russia. I remembered reading about Mao, entombed on display. What followed started as a facebook chat intended to put off studying. What occurred may very well take several years of life.
Basically, we are going to go on a world tour to see famous dead people. Lenin, Jeremy Bentham, Mao Zedong, King Tutankhamen, etc etc. We'll be generous and include parts as well; Galileo's finger, Einstiens brain. This will involve visiting every catholic church with saints bones in glass cases, sneaking into Skull & Bones to catch a glimpse of Geronimo's skeleton, and possibly more, dangerous and stupid plans. Then we'll write a book.
I'm excited for the rest of my life. Hoepfully, wit

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